Outreach Programs

Here you will find our list of every way to get connected with our church family. Our number one goal is to create personal relationships with Godly people and to grow together in the Lord.


Bible Study Groups

Every Wednesday, we take turns rotating homes with one goal in mind. Fellowship, and diving into the word. Please let us get you connected to one of these tight knitted groups. They are essential to sharing, feeling like you're heard, and an opportunity for one on one prayer.


The breakfast club

The Breakfast Club is exactly what it sounds like! It's breakfast, and fellowship! We have a men's group and women's group. Please see our calendar page on the menu to find out when our next one is! See y'all real soon.



Farmshare is a program that gives free food to all who might need it. If you're interested in receiving Farmshare, there is no obligation to attend our church, though we'd love to have you. It is on Thursday at 11:00 am each week except when it falls on the 1st day of the month.



Sunday School

Please join us on Sunday morning's at 9:30 AM for a small group study on the word.